SeeCommerce PXM improves the activites of your organization.
Centralizes that organizes all of the company’s product information, allowing all members of the organization, to access information according to their own permission levels.
Who needs
SeeCommerce PXM?
E-commerce & Digital Manager
With SeeCommerce PXM, E-commerce & Digital Managers are facilitated in managing huge amounts of product-related information. This enables them to easily organize, plan, and monitor content enrichment and distribution phases, diversified by multiple sales channels, achieving important goals such as:
- increased sales
- application of effective omnichannel strategies
- Expansion of the Brand’s presence in more touchponts
- speed in the distribution of product sheets
Marketing e Sales
SeeCommerce PXM is an indispensable platform for Marketing and Sales. In fact, it provides a single source of truth about the registry and editorial/media content of products by helping to:
- Create accurate content for all marketing channels, such as websites and social media
- Present products that are up-to-date and consistent with the Brand strategy
It also enables:
- Store, organize, share and tag any Brand-related resources such as graphic files, image, video, etc.
- Create shared work folders with other team members.
Marketing e Sales
SeeCommerce PXM is an indispensable platform for Marketing and Sales. In fact, it provides a single source of truth about the registry and editorial/media content of products by helping to:
- Create accurate content for all marketing channels, such as websites and social media
- Present products that are up-to-date and consistent with the Brand strategy
It also enables:
- Store, organize, share and tag any Brand-related resources such as graphic files, image, video, etc.
- Create shared work folders with other team members.
Team Shooting & Post Production
Il team di shooting e post produzione, che sia interno o esterno al Brand, può seguire il flusso di lavoro in SeeCommerce organizzato dall’e-commerce per realizzare gli scatti necessari, post-produrli e caricarli direttamente nella piattaforma.
Inoltre i tool di collaborazione permettono di migliorare e velocizzare le fasi di lavoro.
- upload massimo o singolo
- pianificazione delle attività
- tool di assegnazione/annotazione su immagine
- videoconferenza integrata
Team Copywriters and Translators
Copywriters and Translators can interact directly in SeeCommerce PXM to enrich product attributes with consideration of target touchpoint and language declination. Their work has never been so simple and organized:
- planning copy and translation activities
- dedicated editorial attributes
- enrichment in platform or via excel uploads
- integrated video conferencing
Team Copywriters and Translators
Copywriters and Translators can interact directly in SeeCommerce PXM to enrich product attributes with consideration of target touchpoint and language declination. Their work has never been so simple and organized:
- planning copy and translation activities
- dedicated editorial attributes
- enrichment in platform or via excel uploads
- integrated video conferencing
IT Team
With SeeCommerce PXM, the IT department can reap significant benefits. The platform offers easy integration with the Brand’s management systems and allows it to connect with any downstream platform, creating a seamless workflow. The centralized structure makes the IT department’s operations even easier, as all information is managed on one platform, rather than on several separate tools.
SeeCommerce PXM serving any brand team
SeeCommerce PXM is the only source of product truth that reports all of its information, from master data to editorial, descriptive and media content, etc., potentially useful to any Team within de Brand: from the e-commerce department, to the marketing department, to the sales department. Each team, each with its own permissions and operational objectives, can consult product information that is always up-to-date and consistent or edit it in order to bring a competitive advantage to the Brand.